Yoshi Ayarane

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Revision as of 07:07, 12 February 2011 by PDelahanty (talk | contribs)
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Digital painter. Crazy cat lady. Someone who likes this horseapples podcast way too much.

This is DEFINITELY redonkulous.

OMG Fan Art

Shwood-051310.jpg Shwood-051810.jpg Shwood-010311.jpg Shwood-010711.jpg

I drew these (and some others, but those above get circulated the most). Apparently not only do Brian and JuRY approve, but even King Leo likes it, too. You are welcome to adobeshop the smoo out of them for things related to BBverse/TWiT, but please credit me for the original artwork. I can always use more Twitter followers. :)

Also, an (incomplete) video version of Brian and Justin as Beavis and Butthead...
