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TPIA (or The Penalty Is Aids) is a catch phrase from BBLiveShow.

The phrase originated in the Secrets or BS episode of BBLiveShow. Justin Robert Young spit-wadded the idea of Brett Rounsaville contracting AIDS for the sole purpose of winning the 2009 Podcast Awards. Later in the same podcast, Brett Rounsaville made the mistake of reading out loud at a submission's evidence for the Secrets or BS skit. One user in the chat room typed "PENALTY = AIDS" and was read by Brian Brushwood as "The Penalty is AIDS".

TPIA T-Shirt Submissions

Screen Grab of Suggested TPIA T-Shirt Design

Prior to the Sam Schoo episode of BBLiveShow, Brian asked for ideas for TPIA shirt designs from his Internet audience. The winning design would be worn on Scam School by Brian himself. The consensus was that the "Pennsylvania Institute of Astrology" design, created by Gatowag, was the winner. The design can be found in Gatowag's Cafepress store.

On February 12, 2010, Brian tweeted out an image of a TPIA shirt that Patrick Delahanty was wearing. Patrick says he wore it to work. "I caught people looking at it and reading it, but nobody questioned it."