Strong Hands and Lanolin

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Strong Hands and Lanolin
Number 223
Broadcast Date May 30, 2018
Episode Length 01:36:05
Hosts Brian Brushwood, Justin Robert Young

Brian's coming at you live from the down-undah with stories of the upside-down world. Plus, we play the new game, "Etsy or Would You Rather?" Bah means no!

Night Attack is coming to San Diego and Los Angeles June 9 and 10. Tickets for BOTH are on sale now at

Check out daily articles now at

And get new stickers and pins at


You really missed it in the pre-show and post-show

Patrons get the pre- and post-show early as well as their own RSS feed for them. This week you missed a spoilery discussion of the movie SOLO even though Brian hasn't seen it, and Bonnie's "You don't have a hair on your pussy" statement.

You still need to buy Night Attack Tour Tickets

Hey, you. Want to see Night Attack Live? Two chances: June 9th 2018 in San Diego, and Jun 10th 2018 in Los Angeles. Having these shows well attended will be a very positive force towards having more Night Attack Tour Dates.

Where in the world is Brian Brushwood

Brian and Bonnie are in Australia, or "The Miami of Australia" as he called it. It seems "Coca Cola No Sugar" is a thing in Australia. It's not Coke Zero, it's not Diet Coke, and it's ingredients are a mystery. Also Brian thinks it tastes like garbage.

Brian is appearing at AUSCert, and Darren Kitchen is there too, "This Motherfucker" - Justin

Brian and Bonnie wanted to be tourists, so they went to Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary, where they saw animals that were doing fine. Kangaroos, crocodiles oh my. For AUS$30 they got to have their picture taken holding a Koala named Eliza.

Speaking of babies, they got to meet Blerch, Ev Lloyd's child at the Australian meetup. The bartender liked when Brian was on Penn & Teller, he was right ripper.

Bonnie periscope'd a sheep shearing demonstration. The guy in fact, had big strong hands.


If you supported Night Attack at, not only do you get early access and custom RSS feeds for the pre-show and aftershow, you could have been the hero VILE or villain GREGORY SOMETHING I CAN'T UNDERSTAND in this week's story. If that doesn't float your boat you can subscribe at and get shouted out in the twitch shout out minute.

Allergy Information

Bonnie relates the story of a dude who ate Brazil nuts before having sexual congress with his lady woman - who then died from a nut allergy! Citation Needed (a separate non-fatal case was found) Tune in next time for more JUSTIN'S BELIEVE IT OR NOT.

Be Our Guest (Appearance)

Brian appeared with C. Robert Cargill on the Rooster Teeth podcast. You'll probably be able to watch that at some point.


Hey guys, laywers amirite?! 'nuff said. More next week.


Jingeroo sent along a game: Is a given description an Etsy listing, or a choice from the Would You Rather bot?

Example: "Mouse riding on a snail" (Etsy)

Justin wins! Sure why not! Hey you, reading this, do you got a game for Night Attack to play? Send it to [email protected]. DON'T SEND IT ANYWHERE ELSE, THAT'S FOR CHUMPS. If they use your game you are likely to get stickers from http://stickersordiaf.come

Diamond Time

Movie Draft Minute

Who's in the lead now? Why it's DTNS. The hot deets are all at

The Funnest Facts

  • Bryce apparently does not have a passport.

Quoted Quotes

  • "I want to insist that Coca Cola give me a Coca Cola Franchies, or a coke" - Brian riding on Aunty Donna's success with Dominos.
  • "I think that Koala really liked me, I mean I really felt a connection" - Brian
  • "I don't know how much the sheep enjoyed it"" - Brian, regarding the sheep shearing
  • "Is bonemeal made of bones?" - Bryce
  • "You don't have a hair on your pussy if you don't know how to take off the mic on your skype"- Bonnie


Preshow & Aftershow

Since Night Attack is directly funded by the viewers, the preshow and aftershow videos are available to Patrons of the show ASAP and freely available 48h after release. If you're not yet a Patron of the show, then go to and pledge ANY amount!


Preceded by:
"Bose before Froyos"
Strong Hands and Lanolin
Followed by:
"Coming soon!"