A Raging Phoner

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A Raging Phoner
Number 112
Broadcast Date January 31, 2012
Episode Length 1:20:20
Hosts Brian Brushwood, Justin Robert Young
Guests Jason Howell

In this episode, Jason Howell is here to help fight phone-ism, Justin illegally quotes an unreleased novel and there may or may not be a gigantic party for Bonnie's birthday.



Opening Video


Nocturnal By Scott Sigler

Friend of the show Scott Sigler, who is writing a book based on the ideas and characters from his appearance on NSFW, is getting ready to release his new book Nocturnal. Since he is an awesome human being, he sent Brian and Justin advanced copies that have not gone through the final edit, and since it is not the final edit Brian and Justin are legally prohibited from quoting anything from the book. Justin of course doesn't listen to this warning and begins saying some things that may or may not make the final edit.

Possible Quotes

  • First three words from 'A Visit From Chinatown- "The sound of..."
  • Pg 231- "I want you to know where Issac and Alex are."
  • Second paragraph of 'Tard's Job'- "Tard's job in life was to be terrified."
  • Pg 382- "I ate Chinese food out of that Mexican man's bag."
  • Pg 47- "If you point that gun in my face again, I'm gonna shove it up your armpit and pull the trigger with my balls."
  • Pg 311- "Brian had a pink face, the kind of which a child would be embarrassed of."
  • Pg 361- "Embarrassed by his staggering lack of talent, he didn't like to show his face on the internet but had to anyway because he liked ripping off people for money."
  • Pg 461- "Brian wore a shirt that said 'Droiders are my favorite people and they're much better than the white iPhones."

Fighting Phone-ism

Since Jason is the host of TWiT's show All About Android, he is the perfect guy to have around to help everyone deal with Android and iPhone hate. Unfortunately, Brian was exposed as a closet "Droider lover".


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Spelling Bee

Justin took words from Scott Sigler's upcoming book, Nocturnal (pre-order now). Words included:

  • shoulder
  • Hitler's Smelly Ejaculate
  • Car
  • I'm a pink faced weirdo that nobody loves, might as well kill myself, sure won't be missed by anybody,nope sure won't

The Yet to be Named Night Attack Sequel

The week before this episode, Brian and Justin got together to record the sequel to their Top 10 Bilboard Charting "comedy album" Night Attack. To get people exited for its upcoming release, Brian played a few clips from the recordings.

Be sure to go to NSFWshow.com/Album to sign up for the mailing list to ensure that you are the first to know when the album is released.

Summer Music Series

Sweetwater is here live from Seattle! These guys have toured with bands like Oasis, Iggy Pop and Stone Temple Pilots. They started out by playing their song "Lost in the Suffering".

You can find more of them at their website, SweetWaterRocks.com and you can buy all of their music on iTunes and Amazon.

Then be sure to follow them on Twitter, @SweetWaterRocks.

Scam School Book

Brian and Jon are hard at work getting the Scam School Book finalized. It is an e-book comprised of 80-100 scams, some of which have not been featured on Scam School. The book is complete with audio commentary and videos demonstrating

Belt Winner

  • Brian

Great Quotes

  • "Just get a t-shirt that says 'Find my a Droider, 'cause I'm gonna lover 'em.'" -Justin

Fun Facts

  • The show was recorded on Bonnie The Invisible Wife's birthday.
    • Bonnie was on the phone with Jay Brushwood so she missed most of the show. Because of this Brian and Justin convinced her that she missed a huge party for her on the show.


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Preceded by:
"Cookies are for Closers"
A Raging Phoner
Followed by:
"Found It"