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In soviet Chatrealm, shark jumps YOU.
Brett no likey the shark...
...but Brian does!

It began the last week of September. TWiT called it "Shark Week," but rather than presenting factual videos about sharks, King Leo and JammerB took turns operating a flying inflatable shark that could be moved by remote control, intruding upon show hosts for fun and creepiness.

Then, on NSFW #96, JammerB handed off the Tricaster to OMG Chad, instead opting to pilot the flying shark (which was dubbed Crazy-ass shark and later Rape Shark), mostly during the pre-show. The shark greatly traumatized Brett when it approached him from behind, but Brian appeared to greatly enjoy its company. Justin sampled himself saying "That's a crazy-ass shark" and quickly added it to his soundboard.

The shark should not be confused with Fapper, who is an adorable dolphin.


Shark Week on TWiT