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You've Been Rookered
Number 42
Broadcast Date September 21, 2010
Episode Length 1:04:00
Hosts Brian Brushwood, Justin Robert Young, Michael Rooker


Opening Video

Brian played the video for a mash-up between Jackson 5 and Nirvana.

You Stop That! You Stop That Right Now!

Two YouTube videos are shown to Michael Rooker and he decides who, in the videos, needs to stop doing what they are doing immediately.

  • First video - A drunk guy singing "My Humps" with a very interesting hat
  • Rooker's Ruling- The dad needs to stop! RIGHT NOW! He is hogging all of the attention. Think of the kids!

Compliment Bomb Update

  • Joseph Owens, who was the recipient of the previous compliment bomb, will be on the show next week.
  • Michael Rooker chooses Taylors, South Carolina as the host city for the next compliment bomb.

Mini-Interview with Michael Rooker

  • He is currently working on a project with Joke and Biagio
  • He is in a new show on AMC called "Walking Dead"
  • There is a great video with Rooker teaching Rainn Wilson how to shoot a gun
  • He also directed a paranormal horror movie called "Pennhurst" which will be released soon.

Michael Rooker makes You a Man

The audience sent in situations in which themselves, or others need some advice from Michael Rooker about how to become more badass.

1. Elliot- The Brooklyn Tornado guys need to become more badass

  • Rooker says: Quit with the bad language, keep the camera steady and stay away from the windows!

2. Rachael- Her boss is a "weiner" and she needs the most badass way to legally quit her job.

  • Rooker says: Grab the table and flip it over onto your boss, then walk out and say "You've been Rookered!"

3. Mathgeek- He wants to transfer to a different school, but feels weird trying to get letters of recommendation from his current professors.

  • Rooker says: Level with your professors and tell them that the school sucks. Shots of alcohol would help too, then walk out and say "You've been Rookered!"

Live Rookering

5. Crash- He is going through chemotherapy in a few weeks and he needs something badass to say when he is in the recovery room.

  • Rooker says: Chemo is really tough and when you throw up into a bucket, give it to the nurse and say "Give me a quadruple latte and blend that together with this."


Use Promocode "NSFW" to get 20% off the lifetime of your order.

Justin mentions how you need to use Squarespace to blackmail political candidates.

New Champion! Woo!

  • Andrew Mayne for pretty much coming up with all of the ideas for this episode

Great Quotes

"You've been Rookered."- Michael

Fun Facts



Preceded by:
"Scott Johnson vs. The World"
You've Been Rookered
Followed by:
"Eight Equals Equals Equals Dee"