But Cuba

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But Cuba
Number 23
Broadcast Date May 11, 2010
Episode Length 53:31
Hosts Brian Brushwood, Justin Robert Young, Tom Merritt, Brett Rounsaville

Brian, Justin, Tom Merritt, and Brett Rounsaville play the YouTube close captioning game aka Lost in Translation (beta).


Videos in the Episode

New Champion! Woo!

  • Brett Rounsaville won the game

Great Quotes

  • "Dibs on skins!" -Brett (when shirts vs skins is suggested)
  • "But Cuba" -Leo Laporte (via Google captioning)
  • "Toronto, HELLO"

Fun Facts



This is apparently Justin's first time recording any sort of online video...

Full Episode

OMG Chad Swallows 16 Inches

Preceded by:
"Tahlequah Knights"
But Cuba
Followed by:
"Lulz & Order: Troll Court"