Bad Romance

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Bad Romance is a song by Lady Gaga that was made notable in NSFW during We Are All Going to Hell.

Origin Story

In that episode, Brian and Justin revealed a video which they had been sitting on for several weeks. The video, which had been posted to YouTube by "BerryHappy4ever" showcased a girl who was filmed dancing and singing for a friend's college video production class. The description on the video was as follows:

BerryHappy4ever — May 11, 2010 — My final for Video Production I class. Thank you Melissa! Couldn't have done it without you~~~~ ^0^

Not much is known about the subject of the video. It is assumed that this is "Melissa" and that "BerryHappy4ever" was operating the camera. (Her legs can be seen reflected in the close-up shots of Melissa's large sunglasses.)

The genie is let out of the bottle

C. Robert Cargill's reaction to Bad Romance

Upon its first NSFW appearance, the video had under 300 views.

The video was screened on NSFW where it was declared "the next Star Wars Kid". Before the episode had finished, the video had already been submitted to where it made the home page in about 90 minutes and ultimately got over 3,700 diggs. It was also posted to Reddit, 4chan, and other places.

As an apology for pointing the world at her, Brian promised an iPod Touch to BerryHappy4ever if she asked for it. He also gave her an open invitation to appear on NSFW and talk about anything she wanted to at any time.

Later on that evening, the chat room found what appears to be Melissa's Facebook page.

The aftermath

By the next morning, many other sites had picked up the video. YouTube reported 50,000 views on the video by mid-afternoon on Wednesday. Delicious had passed the link to a friend who posted it to Ryan

The responses from her friends were encouraging.

Wednesday evening, Brian hosted an impromptu BBLiveShow-style live feed during America's Got Talent. Fearing fallout from that show (which is a separate story in and of itself), he felt it would be karma for pointing the world to Melissa.

As of Thursday evening, the video passed 400,000 views on YouTube.

The video passed 500,000 views on Friday.




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