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Bill Meeks sits in his rival iYaz's chair at the TWiT Brickhouse

Bill Meeks is a fan of NSFW.

Meeks is the owner of Meeks Mixed Media, and had produced motion graphics for NSFW, Sword_and_Laser, OMGCraft, and Framerate. According to Justin_Robert_Young he has 'like... 16 kids.'


Bill's first major contribution was an animation during the The_Scream_Queens_vs._Zombie_President episode of NSFW.

For most of 2010 Bill wrote for

Bill has crashed on Justin_Robert_Young's couch. Once in Florida and once in California. No orange juice was provided. Bill considers this outrageous.

Bill did a pre-Dragon*Con interview with Justin Robert Young for his Meeks Mixed Media podcast. It can be found here.

Bill himself appeared in the Dragon*Con: Con of a Dragon live episode on the side of Alien and Debit Daddy.

Bill has been 'in studio' for the following episodes of various shows (mostly NSFW): Dragon*Con: Con of a Dragon, NSFW_Summer_Movie_Fantasy_League_2011, Dragon*Con:_Con_of_a_Dragon_2:_Double_Complete_Dragon, Live_From_Dragon*Con, and The_Diamond_Club_Rises.

Bill did the rough edit for the video promoting The_Diamond_Club:_A_Novel at the Revision3 Studios.

Bill accompanied Brian_Brushwood to Indonesia in August 2012 to shoot footage for episodes of Scam_School.

It was revealed in a planning session for the Star Wars: The Old Republic NSFW Guild that Meeks was originally up for the part of Pierce Hawthorne on NBC's Community, but lost the part to Chevy Chase because of a previous booking.