Pig Latin 101

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Pig Latin 101
Number 186
Broadcast Date July 8, 2013
Episode Length 1:10:25
Hosts Brian Brushwood, Justin Robert Young, Chatrealm

Justin and Brian look back on their experience at Nerdtacular, drink some moonshine, talk to the Chatrealm and then they book a musical guest for a future episode.


Opening Video

Ghost Mustard

Recovering from Nerdtacular 2013

About 24 hours before the recording of this episode, Brian and Justin were making their way back from Scott Johnson's Nerdtacular 2013 convention. Justin had quite a lengthy trip back thanks to a plane that didn't land no good at SFO.

But despite travel problems, Brian and Justin had an amazing time out there in Utah and they wanted to tell stories from Nerdtacular for the entire episode.

Kentucky Moonshine

Brian's father-in-law left him some Kentucky moonshine in a mason jar. Without knowing anything about it, Brian took a few swigs live on the show.


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Grab Bag Phone Tag

Before the show, Justin came up with a few challenges that will be randomly chosen for Chatrealm callers to perform. So, people called in... and they did things. Comedy.

  • Tensorguy - He had a bit of Ruinum at Nerdtacular, then when he got home, there was a 6.0 earthquake. COINCIDENCE?! We think not!
    • Grab bag - "Curse like a mormon"
  • Ryan
  • Tess
    • Grab bag - "Confess a secret in Pig Latin" - She didn't know pig latin, but she definitely illegally border-jumped from Peru into Chile and also from the US into Canada.
  • JC
    • Grab bag - "You solve OUR problem" - With their current setup, Brian keeps getting a constant whining noise over skype. How do they fix it? JC suggests to rip everything out and start from scratch. If that fails, move to Petaluma.
  • Rob Doran - He is Chinbeard's twin brother, but he can do slightly more push ups
  • Dickran VonHungtaint
    • Grab bag - "Tweet a picture of your mom" - Result
  • ToucanMonkey
    • Grab bag - "They solve your problem" - He doesn't have a car, how can he get places? Chatrealmer, Curley, will take him places.
  • Tackle
    • Grab bag - "8th Grade Math Problem" - Besides 15 and 1, what is one factor of 15?
  • Chris
    • Grab bag - "Reveal your voting history" - Jesse Ventura

Brian and Justin: Live from Utah

At Nerdtacular, Brian and Justin recorded a live album of themselves interviewing themselves as characters that they made up. Characters that are on the album include: Ad Dragon, Buttamus Wind, Dafnay, Fat Rick, Ira Sockman, and R.L. Stine. During this episode, Brian pledged to have the final album finished and submitted within two weeks.

Chimera in the Chatrealm captured some bootleg audio from a separate recording that is not going to be on the album and posted it to YouTube. Check them out here and here.


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Tom Cattt

Remember way back 6 days prior when Brain and Justin went crazy over TomCattt's The Hurt? Well our people are in touch with his people and there are preliminary talks to get TomCattt to perform live on the show in two weeks. ALLEGEDLY, TomCattt himself was in the chatroom during the show. He contacted Brian earlier in the day and Brian believes that it was actually him in the chatroom. You can buy his album here.

Summer Music Series

Nuthin'. But we got The Doubleclicks next week and possibly Tom Cattt in two weeks.

Belt Winner

  • Brian

Great Quotes

  • "Have you studied the intricacies of ass urine Brian?" - Justin

Fun Facts





Preceded by:
"Stop the Lies and Realize"
Pig Latin 101
Followed by:
"The Doubleclicks"