TWiT Podcast Network

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TWiT is a podcast network run by technology broadcaster and author Leo Laporte. The network began operation in April 2005 with the launch of This Week in Tech. Security Now was the second podcast on the network, debuting in August of that year. Currently hosts twenty "netcasts" covering various topics including the Internet, computer security, Microsoft, Apple, and current technology news. One of these shows was NSFW, billed as "TWiT's favorite mistake".

Their slogan is Netcasts you love, from people you trust. They used to exclusively use the term netcast instead of podcast. This has since been dropped.

BBVerse Connection

Brian or Justin have co-hosted or participated in the following TWiT shows:

TWiT Appearances

Brian's in-studio appearances on This Week in Tech were usually whenever he was in California's Bay Area to shoot episodes of Scam School, roughly every 2-3 months. Scam School has since moved production to Austin, Texas.


At the end of 2013, TWiT had announced that Tom Merritt would be leaving the network. This triggered a series of events which can be read in further detail here.

External Links