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Leon is a fan of BBLiveShow and NSFW. He is most definitely not Martin Thomas. Don't ask.

DC for life!



Fun Facts

Leon's Story

The story of Leon is a very sad one. When he began watching the BBLiveShow things were great! He was doing well in school had lots of friends and he had just stumbled upon the best worst show on the internet! He was a quiet lad and he enjoyed every night that Brian and the gang were streaming live. He simply watched the chat room, too timid to actually take part.

But then one day he decided to speak up and his wildest dreams came true! Brian had glanced over at the chat room and spoke aloud for all of the internet to hear, Leon's words. From then on, Leon was addicted to the drug that is Brian's attention. He began posting more and more statements into the chat room, hoping to be noticed by the hosts. On a few more occasions, he was recognized for his wit in the chat room.

Leon was really starting to feel like a part of the gang now, understanding all of the little in-jokes and creating new ones along with the rest of the chat room. Until one day, when Leon's internet life changed forever. On the 5th episode of the NSFW show, a man named Martin Thomas was a guest. At first, Leon thought nothing of this, until he found out that Martin goes by the name "Leon". To the real Leon, this was a dagger to the heart. Now, somebody who personally knows Brian has the same name as he, and he would be forever forgotten in the hearts and minds of everyone involved with Brian Brushwood's internet shows.

For the next few weeks whenever Leon was in the uncensored chat room he would be asked "OMG is this Leon from Spill.com?". With a sigh, surely audible through the internet Leon would respond, "No, sorry, I'm just this guy, you know". However, Leon always had a place to hide away and not be confused with some minor internet personality; this place was the #twitlive chat room. Here is where he would talk for hours to fellow tech enthusiasts about all of their favorite TWiT shows. Here, nobody would bother him about his name, he was a free man here... or so he thought.

While watching the great Tomas Mereet make his wonderful Tech News Today, the evil and murderous chat moderator Mick struck down upon the peaceloving Leon in a bout of wanton mod abuse. Mick demanded that Leon change his name, his entire identity in the TWiT network, because it looked a little too much like "Leo" and he (Mick) didn't want other people getting confused, thinking that Leon was Leo (which is total fucking bullshit!) Now, Leon was being attacked by somebody with actual power. There was no way Leon would be able to fight against the hateful Mick. Leon had to find a new name, and quick, or else there would be extreme punishment from the tyrant Mick. Despite protests from the chat room saying "Oh does he need to change his birth certificate too?" the emotionless chat mod Mick did not care.

Leon was fighting against the clock to not only to find a new name, he also had to figure out how the hell to use the new-fangled IRC client. Little did he know, he could have simply typed "/nick" to change his name. Tangled in the many menus of Xchat, Leon was out of time and the vicious Mick unceremoniously kicked Leon out of the #twitlive chat room. That was it... He was gone. It was the moment everyone in the world fears: being kicked out of the chat room that you love and support so much, all because of a moment of virtual roid-rage from someone who is supposed to be there to keep you safe. With tears in his eyes, Leon changed his name to "Leno" and rushed back into the chat room yelling "THERE! IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED?! DO YOU LOVE ME NOW!? DO YOU SEE WHAT YOU HAVE MADE ME DO?!", the tears now streaming now his cheeks, sobbing uncontrollably.

It took less than a minute for Leon (now Leno) to realize that things would never be the same. Web-5210 asked him "Hey is this Jay Leno?" Leno's reaction was not pleasant he had to rage IRL to try to prevent himself from being kicked once more. Now Leno tried to keep it cool and humored the obvious noob with the generic IRC nickname. Leno went along with the gag for about 2 minutes, but like a little child, Web-5210 didn't know when to stop and just kept hammering Leno with more and more questions. All Leno had wanted to do was learn about the tech news from today and stare at Tom's beard for a while, but it seemed that the internet was against him that day. Finally after what seemed like the 9001st question Leno, had to rage quit.

In a complete reversal from just a few months prior, the unfiltered chat room and the NSFW show, were now Leon's hiding place. (He had dumped the name Leno after realizing just how much of a bad idea it was. This can be compared to Brian's name changes in the Weird Things podcast episode "Zos Braining Zos".) But now, Leon doesn't feel welcome in the #twitlive chat anymore, all thanks to the power hungry chat mods. Now Leon must watch his favorite TWiT programs all alone, with nobody to talk to, just waiting for that one night every week when he can socialize, Tuesday night, NSFW night, the night were Leon is Leon and everybody accepts him-- at least until Martin Thomas shows up again...


Leon has since, been able to infiltrate the #twitlive using the pseudonym "Lone". However, he posts his comments only when he deems it absolutely necessary and his actions go undetected by the mods.

In an interesting turn of events, Leon has eased off commenting during the NSFW show, not because he feels unwelcome, but because he is writing up notes about the show, to use in writing his amazing summaries of each NSFW show episode. This foolproof system allows him to get the summaries up before the aftershow ends. The first summary he wrote was for She Backed Me Up with Science! which wasn't his best work, but he got better as time went on. You should definitely read them, they are amazing!


No offense to Martin Thomas, I am a huge fan of Spill, I am not mad at you, I am just mad at the coincidence that caused me so much fake, internet pain and suffering. No offense to Mick either, I am sure you are a great guy, I just really disagree with your ruling on my name.

This page is mostly factual, just greatly exaggerated and dramatized.
