Record Setters with a Z

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Record Setters with a Z
Number 105
Broadcast Date December 6, 2011
Episode Length 1:16:23
Hosts Brian Brushwood, Justin Robert Young
Guests Dan Rollman, Corey Henderson, Jon Tilton, Roberto Villegas, Ira Sockman

In this episode its all about breaking records, Dan and Corey from RecordSetter are live in studio along with Jon Tilton and Chatrealm's own Vincent404 then, the triumphant return of a contestant from a past episode.


Opening Video



Formerly known as the URDB, this organization is so controversial that they nearly got the show cancelled over 100 episodes ago. They are know as the Wikipedia of world records, if you have a camera and the willingness to break a world record, you can be a world record holder.

Be sure to follow them on Twitter, @RecordSetter, and on Google+. Also they have their first book out! Go buy it! Brian and Justin are in it.


Go to to learn more.

Record Setting

Before the show, the Chatrealm put together a google doc full of potential world records and then Jon and Roberto will choose some records from the list that they will either set or break live on the show.

Because of the controversy that was caused by one Jack Webster throwing up on the previous World Record Episode, TWiT has sent their lawyer Ira Sockman to watch over the show to make sure things don't get to crazy.

  • Jon- Most alternating elbow licks in 30 seconds.
    • 25- FAILED- Current record is 45.
  • Roberto- Most NES Titles Said in 30 Seconds
    • 19- SUCCESS- No previous record
  • Roberto- Longest pronunciation of "and".
    • 22.53 seconds- SUCCESS
  • Jon- Longest coherent metaphor
    • FAIL
  • Jack Webster- Most Gatorade balanced on head.
    • FAIL- We once again got acquainted with Jack's dirtied floor.
  • NSFWshow- Most failed record attempts during a podcast.
    • 3- SUCCESS


For a limited time only, (if its more than a week or two after the show was recorded its probably too late) if you go to and buy something, you will get hilariously outdated and signed Brian Brushwood promotional items and if you order two or more items, you will get a special "mystery gift".


Go to and use the offer code "NSFW12" for a 14-day free trial.

New Champion! Woo!

Great Quotes

  • "Dude, you've never had a triple boner?" -Justin
  • "How about he, uhh, butt-drinks it?" -Ira Sockman
  • "I was never good at coming up with things. I'm like Blue Cheese Tilton, I crumble under pressure." - Ira Sockman (This is the origin of the "Blue Cheese Tilton" nickname.)

Fun Facts


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Preceded by:
"T'aint Correct"
Record Setters with a Z
Followed by: