The Belt

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The Belt is a large piece of metal cut into the Diamond Club hand sign. Every week, the belt is awarded to the last person to swear while on TWiT during NSFW or the After show. For example, if Brian swears, then he has the belt, however if Justin swears after that, the belt is taken from Brian and given to Justin. Note: Despite the belt being a physical object, it is not actually sent to the winner; it weighs a ton (not literally) and the shipping costs would be insane.

Prior to being sent the physical belt by a fan (Todd Schlaefer) , Brian and Justin still talked about the belt in reference to swearing. However once Brian got the actual metal "belt" (which is actually just metal hands in a <> pose), Chatrealm really got excited about the idea of the belt and started to bet on who would win it.

It should be known that swearing on TWiT, while not illegal, is frowned upon because Leo likes to keep a family-friendly atmosphere. Unfortunately, some guests have wanted to win the belt on purpose. Brian and Justin would like you to know that winning the belt is NOT a good thing. Most of the time when Brian or Justin win the belt, it is unintentional; they do their best to keep TWiT family-friendly.


Starting with Episode 105, t2t2 set up the official Chatrealm Beltbet. Before each episode of NSFW, members of the Chatrealm can bet on who they think will win the belt for that episode. Options include, Brian, Justin, the guest(s), musical guest(s) and the TWiT Crew.


  1. The last person to swear is awarded the belt.
    1. If one person swears, followed by another person swearing, the belt is taken from the first person and given to the second person.
  2. Bad words:
    1. Fuck
    2. Shit
    3. Cunt
    4. Tits
    5. Cock (not in the context of a rooster)
    6. Nigger (and most other racial slurs)
    7. Wankel Rotary Engine
    8. Most of them are obvious, however "God Damn" and "Ass" are ok and commonly said by Justin.
  3. The "competition" ends only when the show ends (usually signified by the end of the End of the Show Song
    1. This used to end when Brian took the aftershow off TWiT, but was changed due to guests usually not staying for the whole aftershow.
  4. Chatrealm cannot win the belt or directly cause someone to win the belt.
    1. If a swearing incident is caused by the Chatrealm through a link, Brian showing a bad word in the chat, or a random Skype caller, the host showing/playing the swearing (usually Brian) DOES NOT get the belt.
    2. If the link was specifically crafted to get a host the belt (such as a link to a YouTube video of a host swearing), the belt owner status may be cleared to avoid people doing it.
    3. This includes you, Cheeto.