New Fan's Guide to the Diamond Club

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Welcome to the New Fan's Guide to the Diamond Club!

You're likely here because you've recently discovered Daily Tech News Show, Scam School, Night Attack, Cordkillers, or the Weird Things Podcast. Perhaps you stumbled upon something else featuring Brian Brushwood, Justin Robert Young, Tom Merritt, Veronica Belmont or Andrew Mayne. Whatever brought you here, we welcome you!

The Essentials

This section provides a brief overview of terms. Please visit the articles for additional details.

  • Chatrealm - Fans of the shows which are broadcast live and actively participate in the chat room are referred to as "Chatrealm".
  • Diamond Club - These are fans that take Chatrealm to extreme and tend to follow Brian and Justin from show to show in a stalker-like fashion. Often, they will also follow Andrew Mayne, guests of the shows, and even others among their own ranks. Diamond Club is often noted with the <> symbol.

Show Time!

If there's a live show being recorded by a friend of the Diamond Club, you can watch it live at There you will find an embedded player that changes depending on the video or stream being played as well as the official Diamond Club chatroom.

  • Cord Killers is recorded live on Mondays around 6:30pm Eastern (3:30pm Pacific). Episodes are then edited and usually posted within 24 hours.
  • Weird Things is usually recorded Sunday afternoons around 4pm Eastern (1pm Pacific), though there is no set schedule. Although there is very limited participation with chat during the show, it is still recorded live on
  • Night Attack is usually recorded live at 10pm Eastern (7pm Pacific) on Tuesdays. (A pre-show usually starts an hour or more before the scheduled showtime.) Episodes are recorded, edited by Cheeto and usually posted for download within 24 hours. The pre- and postshow recordings are also made available to Patrons ASAP, however they are made public 48 hours later.
  • Scam School episodes are recorded in batches in Austin (formerly in San Francisco) every month or two and posted weekly on Wednesdays.

Notable Participants

  • Brian Brushwood - The ringleader of this circus
  • Justin Robert Young - Newspaper boy turned blogger turned guy who plays games and rambles on the internet for a living
  • Tom Merritt - Bonafide tech reporter who enjoys slumming with us for some reason
  • Veronica Belmont - Podcast host who also makes a living advising tech companies like and Goodreads
  • Andrew Mayne - Often the source for weird things on Weird Things and the host of A&E's Don't Trust Andrew Mayne
  • Bryce "neshcom" Castillo - Ace producer on most of the main Diamond Club shows. He is the life force that makes everything happen. These shows wouldn't happen without him. (And sometimes they dont.)
  • Bonnie the Invisible Wife - Brian's invisible wife
  • Amtrekker - Formerly a hobo, but now plays games for a living
  • Gatowag - Brandt, Brian's current assistant and road manager
  • DJ Z - Zak Holder is the resident mashup artist and Brian's other worker bee
  • PDelahanty - Creator of the DCTVPedia, works at TWiT and personal friend to Horseboy
  • t2t2 - Everyone's favorite Estonian, go-to code guy and Lord Imperator of the <>.tv chatroom
  • Cheeto - Editor of the Night Attack podcast. Formerly known to be untrustworthy when it came to sending YouTube links
  • Penny, Josie, and Calliope - Brian and Bonnie's daughters
  • healthyaddict (Ashley) - Justin's "platonic" friend
  • OMG Chad - Brian's former assistant who now has red hair and hosts a YouTube series about Minecraft

NSFW Episodes: Editor's Picks

NSFW was an amazing part of this online journey between Brian and Justin. We understand if you don't have hundreds of hours to go back and watch all 219 NSFW episodes, so here are some of the best episodes to get you started. These are the source for a number of topics that are still' referenced to this day!

  • #13, W1NNER GAM3S- Brian, Justin and Tom Merritt have the chatroom compete for them in a series of events including a photoshop contest and a viral video contest.
  • #36 Pr0blem Zolved!- Brian and Justin are joined by Sarah Lane as they play three of the best games that they've ever thought up.
  • #64 Now Apologizing Convention Attendees- Ride the biggest emotional roller coaster that the BBverse has ever experienced as Brian goes from a trending topic on Twitter, to fearing that his career is over.
  • #96 TWiT Ain't Nothin' But Pitches and Shows- One of the silliest episodes to date. Brian, Justin and Brett Rounsaville take over the TWiT studios to create a variety of new shows.
  • #117 The Power Hour- Brian, Justin and Brett are all together at Brian's house and drink a shot of beer every minute for an hour. Hilarity ensues.
  • #160 World Tyranny 2013- Brian and Justin show you all of the hottest gadgets from CES and then they take a look at the intellectually stimulating debate between Piers Morgan and Alex Jones.
  • #219 Pretend We're Not Here- The very last NSFW in which Brian, Justin and a surprise guest look back on some of the the ridiculous crap that NSFW gave us.

Why is everybody laughing?

Are you confused why a short phrase makes all of chatrealm laugh to tears? Check out our lists of

Popular Destinations

Chatrealm and Diamond Club have several online haunts where they can often be found:

  • - THE online destination for any live event related to the Diamond Club. There is an embedded video player that will update whenever a live stream starts as well as an embedded chatroom. In between live streams, re-runs of old shows, live streams and clips are played 24/7 without you having to lift a finger.
  • DCTVpedia - This is the site you're on now. Anything significant worth noting can be found here. There are also episode guides and lots of other goodies.
  • BBpediavideos - Archived Diamond Club related live streams on YouTube. Many NSFW pre/aftershows, Weird Things Podcasts, JuRY Podcasts, Brian playing games and other random live streams can be found here. New and old content is added all the time.