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Welcome to BBpedia
The completely unofficial and unauthorized reference guide to

Scam School, NSFW, Weird Things, and BBLiveShow.

There are currently 3,546 articles in this wiki.

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BBpedia is the completely unauthorized and unofficial reference guide to all things BB, including Scam School, Weird Things, BBLiveShow, and its spawn, NSFW. Learn more about its host, Brian Brushwood, and his pals Justin Robert Young, Brett Rounsaville, OhDoctah, and many others.

Then go in depth and learn the origin of some of the catch phrases and inside jokes frequently referenced in the shows.

Latest Episodes

Next NSFW:

Tuesday, June 29 @ 10pm EDT
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Previous NSFWs:

Play Them Off Keyboard Communist
June 29 @ 10pm EDT
Komic Kombat: or Mel Gibson Hates Mondays
July 6 @ 10pm EDT

Previous Weird Things Podcast:

Destroyer of Worlds
June 29, 2010

Previous Scam School:

The Easy Magic Square Cheat
June 30, 2010

Featured Photo


Clockwise from top left: Justin Robert Young, Brett Rounsaville, Owen JJ Stone, Colleen Kelly, Chad Johnson (and Pedobear), Mr. Happy Pants and Fapper, Tom Merritt, and Brian Brushwood in the center

Featured Article


Bad Romance is a song by Lady Gaga that was made notable in NSFW during We Are All Going to Hell. In that episode, Brian and Justin revealed a video which they had been sitting on for several weeks. The video, which had been posted to YouTube by "BerryHappy4ever" showcased a girl who was filmed dancing and singing for a friend's high school video production class. [More...]

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BBpedia and The CluBBhouse are brought to you by Patrick Delahanty and